Second Guest on The 99 Report is Jason Leopold. JasonLeopold Editor of Truthout and founder of The Public Record. ( You can find him on Twitter @jasonleopold) We are having him on today to share about his ongoing Investigative pieces on GITMO and the latest post revealing Prisoners being medicated with mind altering drugs, http://truth-out.org/news/item/10248-exclusive-department-of-defense-declassifies-report-on-alleged-drugging-of-detainees
MUST READ Of DAY : Jason's ongoing series on his FOIA regarding the Occupy Monitoring. Please read and do see the Video.
Jason's ongoing fine Journalism is part of my "Power of Five" Today ::::
(1) This Post about Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfield on GITMO is a must read.....and was updated 1/9/12
(2) And this post from Nov.2011 is also shares perspectives from an Former GITMO Prosecutor.
(3) This November Post about the Pentagon Propaganda Video is also a Must read.
(4) This link is to the Interview with Leopold about his Interviews of David Hicks of Gitmo.
(5) This RT/Truthout Link is about Jason's Interview regarding NDAA and Ongoing Detention issues.