Please do Listen to this week's show as we interview Sue Thorn and hear from her as she runs for Congress in West Virginia. She is working hard to help the Working Folks of West Virgina. She is especially focused on the rights and health of the Miners and their families. Many issues will be discussed including Sue's WPA family history , Energy issues, Jobs, health care and more. Please do read more about at her extensive website and follow her calendar,
Second guest is Dustin DeMoss who is working with other Vets to start a Foundation that focuses on Remembering and Honoring those that have served. His American Hero Project is just starting and is also looking for Pro Bono Attorneys that could help with some of the legal issues and hurdles. This project is also to help the families find recognition for their loved ones. You can read more about the American Hero Project here,
And our final guest is Gayle Leslie who is a New York entrepreneur who is exploring ways to help businesses and individuals explore Branding and new PR strategies. You can find her on Facebook at GayleLeslieStrategies,
Today we interview a Congressional Candidate running in 11th District of New Jersey. Please do see his website and his facebook page to follow his Campaign and events,, as he is really working hard for the people of his state. He is a CPA who is running for office in the 11th District. You can read more on his website,, and see he is focusing on the issues of Middle Class families and workers.
We will be discussing his campaign, his work for the people of his state and the issues facing New Jersey and the 11th District.
He will be joining the program a little bit after 3PM. ( Show today starts at 3PM.)
As we enter this coming Election Season I am trying to have guests on from different states to explain issues and Living Conditions that are driving this Election so we all better know what our Country is facing. ( And so that we can view each other as Neighbors and connect as a Community, nationwide.)
This week I am giving two Shoutouts to future Guests on an upcoming Show who are doing stellar work to assist Vets.
(1), "Paws and Stripes " is an organization based in New Mexico who are helping to match Returning Vets with Homeless Dogs. This is a win win that is providing a way to nurture and heal our returning Vets. You can follow on Twitter @PawsAndStripes
(2), Homes for Our Troops is helping build adapted homes for our returning Vets. Homes are disability Friendly and specially constructed/ modified and also green. They have helped Vets in many states and have built homes in over 36 states. Please do see their Map of the Work, as well as their website and their Ongoing Events. ( They do a great deal of Fundraising in the Summer).
#ShoutOuts :
(1) WeActRadio, especially David Shuster as a News Source on Weekends. They are doing an amazing job bringing Progressive Goodness 24/7. Nicole Sandler and Shannyn Moore are great in the eves before bedtime, and there is also Ring Of Fire, Thom Hartman. Bill Press, David Pakman.
(2) AWOP radio Kim is really putting out great shows every Friday Night on a variety of issues, from rescue dogs to PitBull rescues to Autism Awareness to amazing music.
(3) Tim Corrimal every weekend - his show is up Sunday Eves , his podcast is sharp, insightful and also has humor.
(4) Kenny Pick of TUTN is a must on Friday Evenings. His show is out of Cleveland, another one who knows how to weave the Music, Humor and Political Meanderings of the week.
(5) HUGE NEWS John Fugelsang who many of us know and love, and whose clips I have played here as well , and who is part of the Sexy Liberal Tour is going to have a show on CURRENT this fall. So Stay Tuned....
(6) Lee Camp is still turning out Moments of Clarity that are amazing and do see the videos on his site and Buy his Book, as well as check his site for his CD and his Tour Dates. His CD "Pepper Spray away the Tears " is excellent.
Today's show is at 3PM. We will have the return of certain segments : MittHappens, Occupy Compassion, Power of Five ( five things that the MSM is not really covering),Twitter Shout Outs and another stunning Moment of Clarity by Lee Camp. ( Be sure to see Lee's Website on the side bar as his New CD is out " Pepperpraying the Tears away").
In Light of the drastic weather patterns we have been seeing and ongoing discussion about man's effect on Climate Change and Global Warming Discussions we are having one of the authors of "Hot Mess" on the show.
Our 1st guest is Rachel Lynn Brody 3:10PM and she will be sharing about her Book " Hot Mess" a new book that explores Climate Change. She is an award-winning playwright, as well as an author, blogger and theater critic. Plays include Post, Playing it Cool, Mousewings and, in late 2012, Millennial Ex, a ten-minute play about marriage equality premiering at Glasgay 2012. Later this year, look out for original web series Unfamiliar Lives, co-written with and directed by Eric Sipple. Connect with Rachel on Twitter at @girl_onthego, or check out (and subscribe to) her blog at Hot Mess: speculative fiction about climate change can be purchased at Smashwords, Amazon, CreateSpace and Barnes & Noble.
Second Guest on The 99 Report is Jason Leopold. JasonLeopold Editor of Truthout and founder of The Public Record. ( You can find him on Twitter @jasonleopold) We are having him on today to share about his ongoing Investigative pieces on GITMO and the latest post revealing Prisoners being medicated with mind altering drugs,
{{ He was originally scheduled to be on on March for to discuss his current ongoing series regarding his FOIA that is revealing the Monitoring of the Occupy Movement. ( We also may be discussing some other timely issues such as GITMO and current projects and works of Truthout and The Public Record.) We continue to be amazed at his stunning FOIA investigative pieces this year. }}
Today’s Show has three amazing guests. At the start of the show we will hear from Lee Camp about his ongoing Moments of Clarity, and his Tour and his new smash CD “Pepperspraying the Tears Away”. Do see more at his website
Our second guest is Joey Kirkman who will be sharing his amazing Healthcare story, as well as telling us about his radio show down in North Carolina and his new non-profit. A tax practitioner by trade, part-time tour manager and full-time antagonists on the international show, Bully the Bullies, Joey spends most of his free time combating religious fundamentalism and enjoying time with his children. He is currently co-authoring a book with J.D. Shapiro, who wrote Robinhood – Men in Tights, about the harms caused by religious fundamentalism. Joey has managed comedy tours across the country with different entertainment companies and is the founder of Be the Miracle Network – a secular non-profit committed to activism. You can hear him confronting religious fundamentalism bi-weekly.
And finally we have Col.Barry Wingard who will be sharing the latest regarding his representation of prisoners at Guantanamo. There are developments to share as there have been Charges dropped against the Kuwaiti Fayiz, which is raising many questions and discussion as to what happens next for the Kuwaitis at GITMO. ( There are three articles that explain this ongoing evolving situation that bears more watchful scrutiny and that I will be adding to this post). You can also read more at Barry’s Facebook page. I also recommend that you look for updates from Jason Leopold of Truthout as well as updates from Andy Worthington.
( Please note I am trying to set up a New Blog/website for the 99 Report as there are ongoing problems with Blogger, so I will be adding the Links and photos and audio files during the day to both sites. Please bear with me while I make this transition. Blogger’s Layout has changed and links no longer work,. so this is an important change that I need to make to improve the show.)
(1) The Vanity Fair Investigation Piece on Romney's Offshore Accounts,
(1) @Gottalaff and her New Parodies...I will post the Links later, but the Vagina one is very special
(2) @FlameGoddessLee Lee Ford is going to the Olympics and ParaOlympics she is an Archer so send her lots of love these next few weeks
(3) @DailyDimmick an amazing Aussie NewYorker who has Daily Videos that are inspiring and insightful and meaningful...( hoping to have him on the show before he leaves New York, but do Follow him and see his videos at )
(4) @WeActRadio and David Shuster for rocking ACA coverage
(5) @LeaderDog for their work and Services for the Blind
(6) Do follow and support @Shannynmoore for her work fighting for Bristol Bay #NoPebble against Mining this beautiful place...
(7) Prayers and Love and Light from the 99 Circle to @MaysoonZayid
(8) Prayers and Light to The Fuller Family, Mom Annie, AJ, Laine and dad Adam, I will post the links so folks can contact you with support and help.( Especially folks in KY and Tenn).
"By The Way....Your Friends are people with you in your deepest darkness, not those who marvel when your star rises" from Charles Blow ( posted to twitter...very profound....)
************************************ At about 2:10PM we will have Maysoon Zayid on the 99 Report. We are so lucky to have her on the show. We will be talking to her about a variety of issues, we are so lucky to have this extraordinary thoughtful woman on the show to share. She is a Writer, Commentator and Comedian. I think many of us loved seeing her on Countdown , and would love to hear more from her, especially in these trying times. Her humor is wise and insightful. As an American Woman,as a Muslim, a Palestinian she is educating and advocating and helping derail ignorance (islamophobia ) with her Humor and Perspective.....On her BIO on her site, the first thing that is mentioned is that she is a Humanitarian, critical in these times of Broken Compassion. ( Her Website, has more as well. )
I hope to ask her about her current work, projects and her program Maysoon's Kids, a scholarship and health program that assists Disabled and wounded Refugee Children and orphans. And also find out more about her Screenplay "Law" and her recent Comedy tours, what she saw and learned. We will be discussing her thoughts on the current ongoing war on Women, and the current political landscape, and much more...
You can follow her on twitter @MaysoonZayid and her website and
Show also will include Power of Five, Occupy Compassion, #MittHappens and another MOCfrom Lee Camp, as well as some new music.
Dennis Campbell will join us at 3PM and share with us about his New Book about the War on Women called the Vagina Wars. ( He is a known journalist who has been on our show before, and shared with us about his other two books, Lipstick on this Pig and also the wonderful Egypt Unshackled.)
As someone who as a Nurse supported Occupy Cleveland I feel compelled to make a statement about the People I met as a part of Occupy here, and the recent Bomb Plot that unfolded this week, and how people are concerned that Anarchy is taking hold of the Movement. I am speaking out as a True 99 Percenter who is worried about the Occupy Movement.
#QuestionOfTheWeek : If anyone knows how to utilize the New Blogger, I need help with LINKS. So get in touch with me if you can.
(2) Lee Camp Moment of Clarity #137 This Week:
Do see his website and his Moments of Clarity and His Tour, ( Scotland, Wales, and NYC and Wisconsin etc.)
He will be sharing about GITMO and he will be sharing about his recent trips to Kuwait, London and Afghanistan and the 2 Prisoners he represents at GITMP. Please do read more about these Prisoners reading about them, the Facebook pages are "Free Fayiz and Fawzi" and "Abdul Ghani.
99 Report is proud to have Barry Wingard on show at 2:10PM EST #BTR to discuss his work with GITMO detainees. We also hope that we have an opportunity to discuss NDAA with him as well. ( From Huffpo) Barry D Wingard is a Lieutenant Colonel representing Fayiz al-Kandari. He began his career in the Army as an enlisted infantryman and then an infantry officer. Currently he is a Judge Advocate General (JAG) in the Air Force, has served 26 years and is a veteran of both Bosnia and Iraq conflicts. The views expressed are those of the speaker and do not necessarily represent the views of DOD or its Components. We have set a whole show aside to take Questions and allow Barry to discuss GITMO and the prisoners there. I am encouraging people to call in as well as Send Questions via email or on Twitter @watergatesummer. Barry really wants to have a vibrant discussion. Personally I think we should be talking about GITMO and why it is still open and why Prisoners are still there 10 years ago.
(1) Dennis Trainer's New Documentary "American Autumn " ( Blogger has changed settings so I am not sure how to add the link). But do follow him on Twitter and check out the links to his Film. The Film is due out in June 2012. LINK :!home|BlankPage_0,
Here is the Preview for the Film,
(2) I am sharing a story about a Sugar Hill GA woman who is in danger of losing her home because of Medical Care and Medical Bills while their family fights Childhood Cancer, LINK:
(3) NYT,, Article on how Warrant Squads were used to monitor Occupy and Wallstreet Protesters.
(4) Tax Me For &*Xk!!'s Sake by Stephen King, is a must read and must share for the Week,LINK: ,
(5) Dennis Campbell's New Book about the War On out and is a MUST read and share. The Vagina Wars is a Must Read......
Huge Shout Out to Radio Or Not Nicole Sandler, Shane and Danielle of Talking Left, and Tim Corrimal and Kenny Pick and also Cliff Shecter at WeActRadio. Music Today by FOLD , and "Gotta Believe" by TruNDeed and Sanara Pippens and more.
Today's Show we explore and dialogue with three women who are helping to raise awareness about our Earth and our Future. Our First Guest is Sara Robinson from Alternet who joins us a little after 2:10PM EST, and we will hear more about her VISIONS page. Then there is Michelle Walker Harmon sharing her work for the Gulf and updating us on the Damage from the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill Disaster. And at 3PM we will be talking to Rachel Lynn Brody a writer about her new book, "Hot Mess". And of course there will be some new music and more wisdom from another Moment of Clarity by Lee Camp. ***************************************************** Our 2nd Guest is Sara Robinson of Alternet is coming on to share about Alternet and the Visions Page, which is full of forward thinking and thought provoking articles that range from Occupy Issues to financial issues to Education.We are thrilled to be able to talk to her about this Page and where it's going and it's impact. She is a thoughtful profound writer, and one of her main articles that is getting much Buzz and notice right now is " New Rules For Radicals: 10 Ways to Spark Change in a Post Occupy World" ( and received recognition and praise from Bill Moyers this week. You can read the article here and learn more.
Sara Robinson is the Senior Editor of the Visions page at The page's mission is to track emerging trends, issues, and solutions that expand progressives' awareness of the ways our shared vision of the next America is coming into being.
Sara is one of the few trained social futurists in North America. Her skill set includes trend analysis, scenario development, futures research, social change theories, systems thinking, and strategic planning. She holds a MS in Futures Studies from the University of Houston, and a BA in Journalism from the USC Annenberg School of Communication. Sara's particular area of interest is the role religion, culture, and other deep cognitive frameworks play in the way individuals and societies imagine the future and choose their strategies for approaching and managing change.
Before joining Alternet, she was a Senior Fellow at the Campaign for America's Future. Her work has also appeared online at The New Republic, The Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Firedoglake, Crooks & Liars, and many other websites, as well as in print; and she makes frequent media and in-person appearances speaking on issues related to long-range planning and policy. She lives in Seattle.
(2) Why Going back to Normal is no longer an Option for the American Economy, and where we are headed now " ************************************************** Michelle Walker Harmon a Gulf resident and Advocate is our 2nd Guest as she shares concerns and about the Gulf. As a 5th Generation Gulf resident, she has been working hard as an advocate and activist since the Deep Water Horizon Disaster. She has founded the Alabama Oilspill Aftermath Coalition and she is a Delegate for Gulf Change. She has become a force working on the ground and as a citizen journalist since the Disaster, documenting the changes and the damage to her home, her community. *************************************************** Our 3rd guest is Rachel Lynn Brody and she will be sharing about her Book " Hot Mess" a new book that explores Climate Change. She is an award-winning playwright, as well as an author, blogger and theater critic. Plays include Post, Playing it Cool, Mousewings and, in late 2012, Millennial Ex, a ten-minute play about marriage equality premiering at Glasgay 2012. Later this year, look out for original web series Unfamiliar Lives, co-written with and directed by Eric Sipple. Connect with Rachel on Twitter at @girl_onthego, or check out (and subscribe to) her blog at Hot Mess: speculative fiction about climate change can be purchased at Smashwords, Amazon, CreateSpace and Barnes & Noble.
****************************************** Lee Camp #MOC on Solving the Unemployment Problems...Do go to his Website on the Side bar to watch more.....
Be Sure to see/hear Podcast #133 – Interview with THE CREATORS of the new film “WE’RE NOT BROKE” about the anti-corporate greed movement ******************************************* POWER OF FIVE...Five things that will Empower you. ( to be added tonight) “Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.”~~ Rachel Carson
DIRECT LINK TO BLOGTALKRADIO Today's Birthday Episode from the Radical Attic I am proud to have two Radio Greats Share their Progressive Insights and Wisdom in these Times. First we will have Tim Corrimal sharing at about 2:15 PM EST and then we have a break and the Newest Moment of Clarity from Lee Camp on his Solutions for UnEmployment, as well as some new Music from The Fold " We Must Speak " featuring the wisdom of MLK. ( Tim Corrimal found this amazing song, and in light of the ongoing Trayvon Martin Situation this song is poignant this week). Then we will be hearing from Daniel Gallai as he shares with us the ongoing work of NO KID HUNGRY and their ongoing projects raising funds and awareness about Childhood Hunger in America. And then at 3PM we have the amazing Shane-O on to talk about Progressive Radio ( sharing the latest about "Radio Or Not", "Talking Left" and more..). And other music today to close the show is "Amazing" by One Eskimo, and "Gotta Believe" by Sanara Pippens and TruNDeed, as well as "Hope In Hard Times" by John Clark. *************************************************************** (1) First Guest is the Amazing Tim Corrimal I invited Tim on the program because he has such an amazing show that I listen to every week, and I wanted to personally thank him for his show, but also how he came up with such a creative show. On his show every week he hosts a Round Table of Sorts that has give new Voice to many Twitter Greats ( and also some known Bloggers). It has been amazing to actually HEAR folks that some of us have Followed on Twitter for years, but also meet new folks. And his show is in many ways like eavesdropping on a fine Cocktail Party of Smart Progressive Minds. And add to that Tim plays great Clips and music and offers up some great comedic moments, so there is laughter and wisdom all rolled into a great show. His Show is available podcasts on Stitcher and iTunes as well. ( I confess his show is my guilty Monday Night Pleasure, but you can usually listen to it as it is up Sunday Nights.) Do follow him on Twitter at @timcorrimal and here is the LINK to his TimCorrimal.Com which is his SHOW page and has great LINKS and info, great to read while listening to the show. ************************************************************ #OccupyCompassion Today :::: (2) No Kid Hungry guest Daniel Gallai is calling in at 2:45 PM EST on to talk about this fine Organization and their ongoing projects and work to raise Awareness and funds to help Fight Childhood Hunger here in America. This is also my Occupy Compassion Segment today. Jeff Bridges is one of the Leading Members of their Team and their Spokesperson. **********************************************************
(3) My other Progressive Guest today is known and loved in the Progressive Circles is Shane-O, Shane Furnam and @FunkedinDaHead and also @TalkingLeft on Twitter. He is on "Radio or Not" with the wonderful @LeftNeckChick ( Danielle), and their Show is Talking Left on Wednesday Nights ( he is the producer and cohost of this great progressive show. He also guest hosts for Nicole Sandler when she is on assignment. He has also produced for : Produced for so many Greats : John Fugelsang – The Sexy Liberal Show “World Tour”, The Stephanie Miller Show, Funked in the Head, Left in Dixie, Turn Up the Night. Produced for The Nicole Sandler Show, The Leslie Marshall Show, The Thom Hartmann Program, The Bill Press Show (Karl Frisch, guest host). Audio and video production for Blunt TV (of The I invited him on to share some of his Progressive Radio Wisdom and stories.
You Can find more of his Work here : (1) Shane (2) Talking (Broadcast on Radio Or Not, Progressive Blend Radio, SoFloRadio) (3) Radio Or Not .com ( especially when he hosts for her). *************************************** It 's My Birthday this this is my Birthday Episode....Please give to SPLC or No Kid Hungry or ACLU or Doctors Without Borders... These fine organizations are where I give every year as a way to celebrate.... ********************************************** Next Week's Show is also a Must Listen, there will be Sara Robinson from Alternet talking about her VISIONS page, and then a Gulf Advocate sharing on the 2 year Anniversary of the Oil Spill and then a new author shares her book " Hot Mess" on Climate Change. *********************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is The Radical Attic where I do the Show every week and I am packing it up this week as my son and I plan to move this month to Brooklyn in NYC. He wants to go to school there and study Film and History at Brooklyn College. This has been his Dream for many years and I am going with him as NYC is too big for him to live there alone. This is a BIG Move for us, and as UnderEmployed Nurse / Writer/Researcher it's proving very challenging. So if Anyone knows a Wonderful Landlord I have impeccable references and as well as references from my current Landlord of 5 years. If anyone wants to share information about a wonderful Neighborhood or other Brooklyn Information please find me on Twitter @watergatesummer or come to my Main Blog, Watergate Summer.
At the Start of the Show at 2:05PM the 99 Report is honored to be joined by Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center. We will be discussing Justice issues, including rise of Hate Crimes and Groups this decade, as well as the ongoing situation of the Trayvon Martin case ( and some of the bigger implications of this case that have national significance.) You can read more about Mark's lengthy career studying and writing on issues of Justice and Extremism. The Southern Poverty Law Center is doing amazing work around the country working on so many issues from tracking and educating on Hate Issues, Tolerance Teaching, and Human Rights and Justice. Do read the SPLC' website and more about their work. ******************** Music Intermission from Greenville South Carolina dedicated to Trayvon Martin and his family. "No Justice, No Peace".Derrick "Blakheart" Goodwin and Jermisha Workman its pronounced as (Germ-esha). ( Song was sent to me last weekend and a Music Video is in production.) *********************** TUTN Promo for Kenny Pick on Fridays Nights Tim Corrimal Promo for the Tim Corrimal Show on Sundays. ******************************************* Lisa Hill is the 2nd Guest sharing her story about Affordable Care Act and how it helps her family and her children. ( Please see post below and see the Letter she was sent by Insurance Company. Her story is compelling and a reminder of why this Act helps many families. ( Do read the Quote in the Letter above about the HUGE quote she was given for care of $8000/month for health insurance for her family.) ******************************************
POWER OF FIVE: EMPOWERING YOU WITH FIVE THINGS THAT THE MSM DID NOT TELL YOU THIS WEEK... (1) Laffy @gottalaff made this beautiful BLUNT video above this week dedicated to Trayvon Martin Situation, Please do also go see the other wonderful BLUNT videos, on the YouTube Channel. And you can also follow on The Political Carnival.
(5) This Weekend is the 50th Anniversary of "To Kill a Mockingbird" . It's on USA network on Sunday Night to celebrate it's 50th Anniversary. ( Clip below is Gregory Peck as Atticus talking about Justice and Duty).
************************** Lee Camp "Moment of Clarity" :: Why the Occupy Movement is More Important than Mitt Romney or Santorum....(3min)
BLOGTALKRADIO LINK HERE TO LISTEN IN. Today's Show is packed with Radio Goodness. Guests : Shannyn Moore and Jason Leopold. And then an CALL IN update from DC from the Backbone Campaign and Occupy Student Debt. The Power of Five includes Great reading from Shannyn Moore and and Jason Leopold. From Occupy Compassion :99 Ways to give I am including some information from Mike Farrell that is worth sharing, especially for those battling PTSD. And from my Wisdom in History section we have the the words of JFK and MLK to sooth us in these times. And the Music today is from Sanara Pippens and TrueNdeed " Gotta Believe". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
******************************************************** The 99 Report is happy to welcome Shannyn Moore on the show. She was invited to share about the ongoing battle regarding the Pebble Mine as it poses risks to beautiful Bristol Bay. We in the lower 48 need to learn more about this situation and try to help. Shannyn is also known for her fine radio show which can now be heard on We Act Radio nightly.For those who live up in Alaska , The Shannyn Moore Show Monday-Friday 11am-2pm on KUDO 1080 AM Anchorage. You can also read her fine column in the Anchorage Daily News.And many of us have read her fine blog for many years Just a Girl From Homer. Learn More about The Pebble Mine battle :
(1) Alaska Conservation Foundation. (2) Save Bristol Bay .Org. **************************************************** Second Guest on The 99 Report is Jason Leopold. JasonLeopold Editor of Truthout and founder of The Public Record. ( You can find him on Twitter @jasonleopold) He has been invited on to discuss his current ongoing series regarding his FOIA that is revealing the Monitoring of the Occupy Movement. ( We also may be discussing some other timely issues such as GITMO and current projects and works of Truthout and The Public Record.)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bill Moyer join the 99 Report to talk about the Backbone Campaign to discuss the Actions planned in DC, you can read more about their work and planned activities Backbone Campaign.Org. They are planning to focus and spotlight the Student Debt Crisis in this Country and raise awareness about the rising Default loans issues, as well as the Housing Crisis, basically focusing on Banks ' roles in the ongoing crisis. They are focused on two such critical issues impacting so many. Do follow them on Twitter for updates @Backboneprog. ( I will post updates here as well). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *********************************************** Also joining us is Kyle McCarthy he is known as @Swarmster on Twitter, he calls himself a "People Mobilizer", he also tweets at the @Default Movie and he started the hashtag #OccupyStudentDebt and is also found at @OccupyStudentDebt.Org . His website ,, has a wealth of information, and is also where folks share their Student Loan Debt Stories. Many are starting to appreciate that the Student Loan Crisis is just beginning to come into focus, and may indeed be much more serious and expansive than the Mortgage Crisis.He too will be in DC this weekend working on the Actions there.
Kyle McCarthy ( known on Twitter as @swarmster )currently serves as the Director of Community Outreach for Default: The Student Loan Documentary. DEFAULT has appeared in over 200 various media and is now airing on over 150 PBS affiliates and is part of this year's San Francisco Independent Film Festival. Kyle was recently named one of "10 Leaders Who Are Fighting for Student Loan Reform" for establishing Occupy Student Debt. This has been covered by the AP, Forgive Student Loan Debt, The Backbone Campaign. ******************************************* 99 Ways to Give; Number 22 ( From Mike Farrell last week ) Sharing Information and a fine book about Healing PTSD with Neurofeedback. Mike Farrell when he was on the show submittted this new information regarding a new technigue that Practioners are learning and using nationwide to help VETS and others with PTSD. It is fascinating research worth reading and exploring. The book is an amazing read as well, it is called The Healing Power of Neurofeedback: The Revolutionary LENS Technique for Restoring Optimal Brain Function [Paperback] And you can find it on Amazon for under 20 dollars. **************************************************** MUSIC For Todays's Show :
Music this week is by TruNDeed and Sanara. I know Sanara Pippins and she offered this song, as it's inspiring , hopeful, truthful. "Gotta Believe". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
James Paige Morrison @JamePMorrison on Twitter has a wonderful CD "Son to the Boy" and you can order Here. ***************************************************** Wisdom From History :
Honoring Trayvon Martin and his family and these Troubled Times. As it is now day 35 and No Arrest has been made I am asking that folks do keep the spotlight on this Crime . I dedicate this song to him, his family and all of those waiting for Justice. ( First 3 Minutes of this will be played for the show , it's poignant lessons from the past from JFK and MLK on Secrets and also Justice and the importance of not being Silent in Times of Trouble.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHOW REMINDERS :Tune in next week at 2:00 PM EST for a lengthy discussion with Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Discussion will include rise in Hate Groups and Crimes as well as Trayvon Martin. ( Please do read more about his work with Southern Poverty Law Center here. "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."~Mother Teresa