BLOGTALKRADIO LINK HERE TO LISTEN IN. Today's Show is packed with Radio Goodness. Guests : Shannyn Moore and Jason Leopold. And then an CALL IN update from DC from the Backbone Campaign and Occupy Student Debt. The Power of Five includes Great reading from Shannyn Moore and and Jason Leopold. From Occupy Compassion :99 Ways to give I am including some information from Mike Farrell that is worth sharing, especially for those battling PTSD. And from my Wisdom in History section we have the the words of JFK and MLK to sooth us in these times. And the Music today is from Sanara Pippens and TrueNdeed " Gotta Believe".
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The 99 Report is happy to welcome Shannyn Moore on the show. She was invited to share about the ongoing battle regarding the Pebble Mine as it poses risks to beautiful Bristol Bay. We in the lower 48 need to learn more about this situation and try to help. Shannyn is also known for her fine radio show which can now be heard on We Act Radio nightly.For those who live up in Alaska , The Shannyn Moore Show Monday-Friday 11am-2pm on KUDO 1080 AM Anchorage. You can also read her fine column in the Anchorage Daily News.And many of us have read her fine blog for many years Just a Girl From Homer.

Learn More about The Pebble Mine battle :
(1) Alaska Conservation Foundation.
(2) Save Bristol Bay .Org.

Second Guest on The 99 Report is Jason Leopold. JasonLeopold Editor of Truthout and founder of The Public Record. ( You can find him on Twitter @jasonleopold) He has been invited on to discuss his current ongoing series regarding his FOIA that is revealing the Monitoring of the Occupy Movement. ( We also may be discussing some other timely issues such as GITMO and current projects and works of Truthout and The Public Record.)
MUST READ Of DAY : Jason's ongoing series on his FOIA regarding the Occupy Monitoring. Please read and do see the Video.
Jason's ongoing fine Journalism is part of my "Power of Five" Today ::::
(1) This Post about Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfield on GITMO is a must read.....and was updated 1/9/12
(2) And this post from Nov.2011 is also shares perspectives from an Former GITMO Prosecutor.
(3) This November Post about the Pentagon Propaganda Video is also a Must read.
(4) This link is to the Interview with Leopold about his Interviews of David Hicks of Gitmo.
(5) This RT/Truthout Link is about Jason's Interview regarding NDAA and Ongoing Detention issues.

Bill Moyer join the 99 Report to talk about the Backbone Campaign to discuss the Actions planned in DC, you can read more about their work and planned activities Backbone Campaign.Org. They are planning to focus and spotlight the Student Debt Crisis in this Country and raise awareness about the rising Default loans issues, as well as the Housing Crisis, basically focusing on Banks ' roles in the ongoing crisis. They are focused on two such critical issues impacting so many. Do follow them on Twitter for updates @Backboneprog. ( I will post updates here as well).

Also joining us is Kyle McCarthy he is known as @Swarmster on Twitter, he calls himself a "People Mobilizer", he also tweets at the @Default Movie and he started the hashtag #OccupyStudentDebt and is also found at @OccupyStudentDebt.Org . His website , http://OccupyStudentDebt.com/, has a wealth of information, and is also where folks share their Student Loan Debt Stories. Many are starting to appreciate that the Student Loan Crisis is just beginning to come into focus, and may indeed be much more serious and expansive than the Mortgage Crisis.He too will be in DC this weekend working on the Actions there.
Kyle McCarthy ( known on Twitter as @swarmster )currently serves as the Director of Community Outreach for Default: The Student Loan Documentary. DEFAULT has appeared in over 200 various media and is now airing on over 150 PBS affiliates and is part of this year's San Francisco Independent Film Festival. Kyle was recently named one of "10 Leaders Who Are Fighting for Student Loan Reform" for establishing Occupy Student Debt. This has been covered by the AP, Forgive Student Loan Debt, The Backbone Campaign.

99 Ways to Give; Number 22 ( From Mike Farrell last week )
Sharing Information and a fine book about Healing PTSD with Neurofeedback. Mike Farrell when he was on the show submittted this new information regarding a new technigue that Practioners are learning and using nationwide to help VETS and others with PTSD. It is fascinating research worth reading and exploring. The book is an amazing read as well, it is called The Healing Power of Neurofeedback: The Revolutionary LENS Technique for Restoring Optimal Brain Function [Paperback] And you can find it on Amazon for under 20 dollars.
MUSIC For Todays's Show :
Music this week is by TruNDeed and Sanara. I know Sanara Pippins and she offered this song, as it's inspiring , hopeful, truthful. "Gotta Believe".
James Paige Morrison @JamePMorrison on Twitter has a wonderful CD "Son to the Boy" and you can order Here.
Wisdom From History :
Honoring Trayvon Martin and his family and these Troubled Times. As it is now day 35 and No Arrest has been made I am asking that folks do keep the spotlight on this Crime . I dedicate this song to him, his family and all of those waiting for Justice. ( First 3 Minutes of this will be played for the show , it's poignant lessons from the past from JFK and MLK on Secrets and also Justice and the importance of not being Silent in Times of Trouble.)
SHOW REMINDERS :Tune in next week at 2:00 PM EST for a lengthy discussion with Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Discussion will include rise in Hate Groups and Crimes as well as Trayvon Martin. ( Please do read more about his work with Southern Poverty Law Center here.
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."~Mother Teresa
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