As some of you know I collect old photographs and paintings of certain things, cats, dogs, redheads, and vintage radios ( vintage anything.) So awhile back a friend, a reader sent me this amazing "painting". I tried to figure out who made it, but got nowhere. I loved the vintage radio, but also the cat. The cat indeed reminded me of our 20 Pound Wonder, Harry Cat....and the way the cat was perched reminded me of our Xena the Princess.....and as many of you know I have been using vintage radio on the Radio Posts. It is a way of embracing a bygone era that I truly hope is resurging. I believe that in the 20's,30's and 40's, it was a very powerful tool to connect to share music, information. I especially believe that it was important in the Depression. Now Internet radio has opened up new horizons.
So I posted the art above, and lo and behold this week the artist contacted me. It is actually a very beautiful photograph made by a true artist named Ineke Kamps, she is very talented, she paints and photographs. She studied Illustration Design and has dedicated herself to Fine Art. In 2007 she began to work on her photography , with her cats as models. The cat in this lovely photo is actually named Kedi, and per Ineke is a star on Flickr and has even had cards made of her. ( Ineke has explained to me that Kedi is Turkish for cat). Her photographs are stirring, poignant and so beautiful.
I will also be mentioning her work on the radio this week as she should have more exposure, she is so talented. I would love to help her work get more followers and also I hope that some writers , especially of Children's Books see her work and realize that her photographs would be a wonderful asset.
I gratefully thank her for allowing me to keep the photo above up and sharing about her talent .I remain humbled and grateful by her talent, but also that she was kind enough to dialogue about her art and cats. In a small way she woke me up that Random Beautiful Art is never random, it is truly a gift.
Here are her Links and Websites, please go support her works and Buy Some Amazing Art......
(1) www.inekekamps.com –her regular website or go HERE.
(2) www.flickr.com/photos/kattenmeisje - her flickr website, mostly photography or go HERE.
(3) www.facebook.com/InekeKampsArt - facebook or go HERE.
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