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Intro to the Show, and Intro Music by MamaShine Music for the 99%, "For What it is Worth". This Show we have a Guest Aaron Anderson at 2:30PM to discuss Resistance Movements and how they bring Change, and his book on this issue. Also there is the Power of Five ( Five things MSM has missed and that will empower you). Moment of Clarity by Lee Camp. I am also including audio this week from Maya Angelou "Still I Rise" and "Reality Check" Explanation of HR 347. Also in this episode some more contributions to 99 Ways to Give, and Occupy Updates.
Fighting the War on Women with Wisdom :
This Week Maya Angelou's "Still I Rise"
Issue of Concern This Week that the MSM barely covered : HR347
A Controversial Bill that was signed into law over the weekend, it appears to be about Trespassing Laws protecting Buildings....but it is much more than that, and has great potential to be misused or abused.
ACLU Breaks down the Criminalizing Protest Bill #HR347 and what it means and does not mean.
Video on the issue:
More From RT news breaks down why this Vague Bill could have the potential to be Mis-Used or even abused. And why Civil Liberty groups such as ACLU are concerned.
Lee Camp's #MOC (Moment of Clarity) on HR347. { Do also check his website in the Sidebar, and order his book and his CD and his upcoming Tour of the UK.If you are missing the Wisdom of George Carlin, you need to give a listen to Lee, he's brilliant).
Power of Five...Five Things that will empower you.....that the MSM forgot to report...
(1) HIV Rates in African American Women:::
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 32 African-American women will be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetime. But a national team of AIDS experts at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere say they are surprised and dismayed by the results of a new study they conducted, showing that the yearly number of new cases of HIV infection among black women is five times previous estimates from the CDC.
What’s more alarming is that the rate revealed in the ISIS study is comparable to estimated HIV incidence rates in several countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including the Congo (0.28%) and Kenya (0.53%).
Some of the factors increasing the HIV/AIDS risk for Black women include lack of access to health care and the inability to sometimes negotiate safer sex because of financial dependence on a sexual partner. In addition, because Black men have higher rates of incarceration, which can lead to concurrent relationships and the higher prevalence of AIDS in the Black community, the chances of infection are higher with each sexual encounter.
(2) Default the Movie airs this week on LINK TV , times and schedule are here in the link.
(3) CNN story about how Homeowners are starting to grasp that the recent lawsuit/settlement does not help homeowners at all. 11 Million are still Underwater.
(4) Federal Report analyzed in the NYT finally cites Bank Officials in the Foreclosure Crisis ( yet NO national news covered this angle of the story).
(5) Now for a Green Issue, The Pebble Mine in AK. This week I learned from Shannyn Moore about the Pebble Mine in AK, I was shocked to learn of this Mine being put in such proximity of Bristol Bay. ( Which is also a part of a very fragile ancient ecosystem that the Salmon need in the Northwest.) You can read more here, and learn more about this important battle.
99 Ways to Give ::
(1) Progressive Hero Award by WeActRadio for OurFuture.org by Campaign for America's Future. Maria Leavy Award to a Progressive Soul doing great work. Nominations are due by April 2nd.
(2) Fresno State working with Feed The Children has set up a program so that they have their backpacks for school, the backpacks have much needed supplies. This program makes sure they have what they need to come to school, families that are homeless or in transition don't always have what they need.
Occupy Updates :::
99 Film is actually a collaborative Film Project that is trying to document the Movement nationwide. Click the Link to see the Trailer and see how you can give.
FUKUSHIMA...Anniversary update ::
The Link to the Feb.28th FRONTLINE Special

Our Guest Today at 2:30PM is Aaron Anderson @Windspike on Twitter he has written a really amazing book about Resistance and how it brings forth change that is timely and relevant.
Aaron Anderson is currently the Acting Executive Director of the San Francisco State University Graduate Business Programs. He has been involved in the education industry for a career spanning about two decades, having worked at schools such as Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal Berkeley, and his current institution. For fun, he runs, windsurfs, and enjoys regularly playing traditional Irish music.
Amazon has a really nice review and BIO written up on Aaron and his Book "Engaging Resistance: How Ordinary People Successfully Champion Change "(Stanford Business Books). It is also available on Kindle.
Music for the Show::
Music at the Start of the Show is by MamaShine 99%" For What it is Worth" ( remake/remix for the 99% of the Classic Buffalo Springfield song.) This song is used to open the show.
Video and Song by One Eskimo....Occupy Amazing from the UK -Used to Close the Show
Stand Up and Mean What We Say....Dave Dalton
"Hope in Hard Times" by John Clark of @OccupyTampa
Shout Outs to WeActRadio, The Shannyn Moore Show, Nicole Sandler Show on WeActRadio and RadioOrNot, Turn Up the Night on Friday Nights,Tim Corrimal Radio Show this weekend, Awopradio on Sunday with a show about Ash,Next Week on 99 Report Mike Farrell to talk about the Death Penalty, especially re. DNA cases, and also the Ballot issue in California.
1 comment:
From ACLU:::
It's important to note — contrary to some reports — that H.R. 347 doesn't create any new crimes, or directly apply to the Occupy protests. The bill slightly rewrites a short trespass law, originally passed in 1971 and amended a couple of times since, that covers areas subject to heightened Secret Service security measures.
These restricted areas include locations where individuals under Secret Service protection are temporarily located, and certain large special events like a presidential inauguration. They can also include large public events like the Super Bowl and the presidential nominating conventions (troublingly, the Department of Homeland Security has significant discretion in designating what qualifies as one of these special events).
The original statute, unchanged by H.R. 347,made certain conduct with respect to these restricted areas a crime, including simple trespass, actions in or near the restricted area that would "disrupt the orderly conduct of Government," and blocking the entrance or exit to the restricted area.
H.R. 347 did make one noteworthy change, which may make it easier for the Secret Service to overuse or misuse the statute to arrest lawful protesters.
Without getting too much into the weeds, most crimes require the government to prove a certain state of mind. Under the original language of the law, you had to act "willfully and knowingly" when committing the crime. In short, you had to know your conduct was illegal. Under H.R. 347, you will simply need to act "knowingly," which here would mean that you know you're in a restricted area, but not necessarily that you're committing a crime.
Any time the government lowers the intent requirement, it makes it easier for a prosecutor to prove her case, and it gives law enforcement more discretion when enforcing the law. To be sure, this is of concern to the ACLU. We will monitor the implementation of H.R. 347 for any abuse or misuse.
Also, while H.R. 347, on its own, is only of incremental importance, it could be misused as part of a larger move by the Secret Service and others to suppress lawful protest by relegating it to particular locations at a public event. These "free speech zones" are frequently used to target certain viewpoints or to keep protesters away from the cameras. Although H.R. 347 doesn't directly address free speech zones, it is part of the set of laws that make this conduct possible, and should be seen in this context.
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