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99 Report is proud to have Barry Wingard on show at 2PM EST #BTR to discuss his work with GITMO detainees. We also hope that we have an opportunity to discuss NDAA with him as well. ( From Huffpo) Barry D Wingard is a Lieutenant Colonel representing Fayiz al-Kandari. He began his career in the Army as an enlisted infantryman and then an infantry officer. Currently he is a Judge Advocate General (JAG) in the Air Force, has served 26 years and is a veteran of both Bosnia and Iraq conflicts. The views expressed are those of the speaker and do not necessarily represent the views of DOD or its Components. We have set a whole show aside to take Questions and allow Barry to discuss GITMO and the prisoners there. I am encouraging people to call in as well as Send Questions via email or on Twitter @watergatesummer. Barry really wants to have a vibrant discussion. Personally I think we should be talking about GITMO and why it is still open and why Prisoners are still there 10 years ago.

This article by Barry, The War On Terror : Beyond the Military ( Huffpo July 2010)
Article about Barry's Work and Writings (TPM)
WIKI bio on Barry and his work as VET and an attorney.
Really Stunning Interview with Barry regarding his GITMO work in CagePrisoners. A Must read into the extraordinary work of this fine Military Lawyer.
More on Faiz his client from the NYT Gitmo Docket....
Fayiz Mohammed Ahmed Al Kandari's Facebook Page, is the Kuwaiti Prisoner that Barry Wingard represents, please share it and his story. He is at GITMO for over 10 years, basically because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time....doing charity work.....Sitting in Prison...Our Prison..based on hear say of hear say...It's Unfathomable...please get the word out.
Andy Worthington's article on Fayiz is a must read....
Here is the Facebook page of Abdul Ghani the other client that Barry Wingard represents.
Barry was a guest on Awopradio on Sunday Feb 3, 2012 , you can read more about his appearance here or link to the Podcast /USTREAM of that show and hear the dialogue on GITMO and the prisoners. We hope to follow up on this discussion on the 99 Report and learn more about the Prisoners.
(1) Update from Arab Times on the Parliament 's Stance on the Needed Release of the Two Kuwaiti Prisoners, We will be discussing this, as well as Barry's Recent Trip to Kuwait.
2PM EST to 2:30PM ( Special Commentary and Occupy Updates with the Power of 10...)
Special Commentary About Bullying and Also Depression. I usually try to start off the show upbeat, but there are some things that happened this week that warrant some attention, some concern. First off I live in Ohio and Ohio made the news because there was Another School Shooting and young lives were lost. But once again the Media quickly painted the Shooter as a Lone Wolf. I don't see it that way, I think there is more to this story that we may never hear. He did come from a Broken Home, there was a restraining order against the dad due to violence. And he was in a special class. And some of the students said " we don't talk to them" and one station did report that there were Bullying Issues, so we may never know the truth , but we do know that there is / was pain that led to this horrible event. It was not random, it was planned. He didn't just snap, alot of pain fed this event. And on another note, this week I learned about the death of Eric Slocum in Seattle, and he was a Broadcaster and Radio Voice there too. But he also was in alot of pain, and battling depression, and he even admitted in his blog that being gay was painful , especially getting through Teen years and dealing with Bullying. And in my mind this fine sensitive man was indeed scarred, and in much pain his whole life. So Every week I say Occupy Compassion and I mean it, if you see someone hurting, offer support or help, but don't just silently walk by. And I say the same thing about Bullying, don't be silent, and don't pretend it is ever justified or acceptable, it isn't. Break the Cycle of Pain. And I am going to play you John Fugalsang on Grit TV talking about Bullying , What it is and What is not.
Due to the recent wave of kids -- especially gay teenagers -- who've been bullied to the point of taking their own lives, the U.S. media's begun talking about bullying & teen suicide. It's so horrible that Americans have finally begun to do what we do best - fight with each other over what to do and never accomplish anything. Distributed by Tubemogul.
John poignantly and profoundly points out that Bullying is not really being confronted in the right manner, that it is truly Brutal Harassment. And that people get hurt....that it is indeed dangerous.
This week I have combined the Power of Ten with the Occupy Updates. The Power of 10 is my special report of 10 things that the Media is Under Reporting, but will empower you and others if you know about...and this week that happens to include the Occupy Update as they are working hard on the Foreclosure /Homelessness /Bank Fraud issue. I am also including Lee Camp's Marvelous MOC ( Moment of Clarity in this Section this week as it about the Bank Fraud Issue). And to see more of Lee Camp's MOC and his appearance on Countdown I have a whole post below with all of his Fine Commentaries.
(1) War On Women is still going on, reaching new bizarre heights with the Blunt Amendment Vote this week. And yes a March For Women and By Women is being planned for April 28th, check it out on Facebook and Twitter and do get involved.
(2) Susie Mandrak of Crooks and Liars is covering a Capital Punishment case in Alabama that needs scrutiny as the Courts are refusing to test DNA evidence...
(3) Before we start talking Housing and Homeless and Foreclosure issues, KOMO News has a story of Architect Rex Hohlbein's Role Helping Homeless hat is a must read....
(4) From CNN ( and not getting any airplay), ONE IN FOUR Homes was SOLD in Foreclosure last year...
(5) Occupy Minneapolis has been really focused fighting foreclosure on all levels, at the homes and working the Media and protesting the Banks. Speaking of Homes, Occupy Minneapolis Update Sucess for one Family, a VET who they had been helping for 3 monthes, and there is a court date for Regina White on Friday. They did Home Stake Outs, AND Bank Stake Outs and also made sure Media knew of their work...they were relentless.Do follow @OccupyOurHomes on twitter . Also they have a website now,, where they are focused nationwide on the Foreclosure Battle and Crisis...really excellent work....
(6) OccupyDC is winning the battle to keep bertina Jones in her home, and getting coverage, they also have been fighting Freddie Mac
(7) Do Check on Occupy Tampa ( update from John Clark), From Salon
(8) Occupy Riverside is still fighting for Arturo De Santo's Home ( Ex Marine). and Occupy Portland is directly protesting Banks trying to save homes and raise awareness.
(9) And for all of us that were asking is Homeland Security monitoring or funding Surveillance of OCCUPY, The Rolling Stone has an excellent article about this issue by Micheal Hastings, That is a must Read.
(10) And Finally Lee Camp's MOC about Bank Fraud #119...
119 About Bank Fraud MOC ( use on show, 3 Min)
99 Ways to Give...#OccupyCompassion
Ways to share your food Money even on a Budget, best way to help those that are Hungry, give your money to Food Bank, they buy in bulk
Music ::::
(1) Mama Shine : For What It's Worth ( Opener)
(2) "Way Back Inn" @JamesPMorrison ( Before Gitmo discussion)
(3 ) "Amazing" Occupy Song ( Transition to Finale) by OneEskimo
(4) "Sold My Guitar today" Sharon Bautista @Sassysongstress
Final Notes :::
Be sure to Listen to Tim Corrimal's Episode 200 of his show this weekend. And also Kenny Pick Turn up the Night is on tonight on Radio OR Not. Also Do Keep Checking @WeActRadio every week as they add more and more fine shows to their Line Up. And Also Awopradio was off last Sunday but there 's a great show this Sunday about Legalizing Marijuana ( Medical Pot) and also a a great Talent from Seattle is on the show, Lisa Koch.
I wrote a post earlier in the year about Suicide and Suicide Prevention Tips....If you know someone hurting and in pain make sure you are there for them....
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. ~Walter Winchell
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