As Part of the 99 Report, the focus is what is effecting the 99 Percent, and what problems are feeding the Occupy Movement, but the Occupy Movement is leading to not just spotlighting problems but it is also planting Seeds of Solution. So below I present both Some of the Ongoing Problems but also Some of the Works in Progress and Solutions and Problem Solving. This week we saw OccupyTheDream, but I feel certain that MLK would want this to be an ongoing effort, not just a Long Weekend Holiday.

(1) The Fuller Family and raising money for Texas.... Ann and Adam are a Military Family and their little boy AJ has been fighting a very rare Brain Cancer for over 4 years, and Awopradio folks helped give this family a Christmas, I am speaking up on their behalf again as the pursue a New Treatment down in Texas. ( This link is to the post I wrote about them in December, it has links to the Mom Ann's post about this treatment. )

(2) Thanks to John Clark ( @JohnClarkBaker ) I learned that the OccupyTampa site does now have a Library, and you can see their face page. Please do donate books and children reading materials and also they need a Fire Extinghuisher as they got cited already.
(3) #OCCUPY #SF Was occupying Hotels on Friday Night. Remember that most of the Occupy Sites are starting to occupy Buildings and Homes to show the need and the Lost Purpose of having Empty Buildings with so many Homeless. ( Remember a few weeks back I brought up the Crooks and Liars Article by Sweet, and 3.5 Million are Homeless per year while there are over 18 Million Empty Buildings.) So if you watch their stream this weekend, please do as they rain into some difficulties with the Police. They are trying to Highlight a Real problem.
(4) Suicide rate among active service men, Truthout Article has the details.... But my question is , if Service Members are serving over seas, and they know when they return home it makes sense that Suicide rates in war zones are now rising......
(A) Wounder Warrior Project is also working hard to take care of our Returning Vets ( new website) and offering more connections, care and services. "The Greatest Casualty is being forgotten" is their motto. This group works hard to teach VETS and their families about PTSD, and they actually have VETS teaching and working with each other.
(B) Honor Vet.org they also have added much to their site, including Honor Vet Radio and community section, they are working hard to make a community for returning vets as well as offer services and care.
(C) Homes for Our Troops building Adapted homes for our Injured Troops.
Please do read the article in the Rolling Stone about Scott Olson the Occupy Marine....really well written.

(5) Via @LibertySqGA
Joe, Education and Empowerment, tells us about "Occupy University!" Website: University.nycga.net. Working to get it rolling. #nycsc #ows
Here is more about the People's University, will offer a stellar Online Education.
DO Check out the Khan Academy For Schooling Needs...and MIT....
Do read the Khan Academy 's website about their work to provide a Free World Class Education. And then there is Occupy has helped encourage MIT, to add Accreditation to their Free Course Program.
Khan Academy explains SOPA and PIPA::
(6) According to the Brennan Justice Center there is a call upon Albany to restore Foreclosure Funding.....
(7) And this from @occupyeugene
FREE MEDIC CLINICS IN #EUGENE!! bit.ly/sHboZb Mondays 12pm – 2pm @ #OccupyEugene Building Located at 1274 W 7th (7th & Polk) #OE // If you have Medical Supplies to Share or Donate , or Skills please do get in touch with them and help out....
Feeding America is working hard to remind people to give to their local food banks, as giving drops off after the holidays. Matt Damon has done this new video on Hunger in America. 1/ 6 are hungry, 1/4 children are hungry. 49 Million Are still on Foodstamps, and contrary to the Republican foolishness, many are working poor. Many that work at grocery stores and restaurants are on Foodstamps.
And to Inspire you through the Week #OccupyMusic ...Mash Up of "What It's Worth"
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