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Photo This Week From Occupy Canada.......
On Twitter many nights I say " Be good To each other...Occupy Compassion..We Are all we've got". Part of this Show is to get us all talking to each other and Dialogue can help heal and work towards Solutions for the 99 Percent. If you want to call in I would be happy to take your call. Listener Dial In Number: 646-564-9906.
Today's Show has 2 Guests :
Lee Camp at 2:10 PM to talk about his Work, Website and New Book.( as well as we will be talking about his segments being added to the show... Please do see the post below about Lee, his Comedy and work.)He will be contributing a Moment Of Clarity Every Week to the Show....Next Week Tune in to the First Episode ( #117) "We Are Nothing, You can go to his Website and see the Video Now, it's in the Side Bar. Also do See him LIVE tomorrow Night in NYC at the Bowery 10PM where he is recording his New CD. Please do see the Post below and read more about him, he is truly fighting the Good Fight and Waking People Up....
And at 2:30PM Kristina English of American Family's Housing in California is coming on to share about their Program. And maybe all of us, no matter where we live can share some of this Program's fine ideas with our own Communities.It's really helpful to talk to a Homeless Advocate and realize how many Families are impacted during these economic times, but that there are programs that are working.

Welcome to the 99 Report for Valentines Week 2012 ( you can listen in on BlogTalkRadio Link on Sidebar). This week I am focusing the show on Homelessness, that is why the Show is called Home is Where the Heart is. I currently live in Cleveland where the Foreclosure Crisis has hit particularly hard leaving 30,000 Homes empty. Yet we also have a Homeless Problem just like many other cities and towns in the United States. The estimates for Homeless here are 6-10,000 per night.
This includes all kinds of people Elderly, young, VETS,Working Poor and even families. The Occupy Site downtown has been working hard to try to educate people about Foreclosure issues and Homeless issues, by helping to Re-Occupy Homes and also seeking empty Buildings to Claim and re-occupy. Here in Cleveland some of the other focus has also been on what the Foreclosure Crisis has done to entire neighborhoods leaving structures empty, increasing crime rates and even leading to Vandalism of properties to take Pipe for the Metal. ( We call them Metal Men and they have flourished here for years.) The danger is that the Empty Buildings then pose new risks of hazards including risks of fires and explosions.
Families can not stay in most shelters as they are Gender Specific, so you will see families sleeping in cars at the end of the Street or in Church Parking lots. By talking to these families, I really began to realize that we need better transitional housing and also Shelter for Families. If you are part of a Church I do encourage you to find ways to get others in the Community Involved. There is a Church near me that every year holds Free Rummage Sales -where families can get Coats in Winter and also School Supplies and Clothes. Some of these same churches hold Pancake and Fish and Spaghetti Dinners and ask for Donations of Clothing, Toys and other items. This creates a circle of giving.

Homelessness The Stats :::
This This Crooks and Liars Article will take your breath away, but is a Must read.... 3.5 Million Homeless and 18.5 Million Vacant Homes in the US. ( And if the Homeless Stats are correct, that also does mean that the 600,000 to 900,000 Vets Homeless on the Streets at night may indeed be accurate.) Do read the Crooks&Liars article by Diane Sweet, it is sobering....And if OCCUPY in in your town is working on Foreclosure Issues, or Occupying Banks etc, give them a hand. Or also give help to your local Homeless Shelters....and Soup Kitchens. As my neighbor said, " This is like the 30's only there should be Soup Kitchens."
...About Our American History.....
If we look at our own History of our Country, in times of War and Economic Hardship we still managed to Create Jobs, Infrastructure and take care of our own. This is the First time in our History, due to Gross Greed and bloated Corporate Profits that the Rich have been so coddled by Government Leaders ( GOP etc) and the Media. And it is time to start Truthtelling. Do read this Telegraph Article that has photos from the 30's and 40s showing growth in spite of Economic Plight.
(Video made in 2008) Homelessness.... I made this with Agit-Diaries Mandt in 2008, after years of watching Bush Pillage our Economy.At this point it bears repeating we don't just have Hungry People we have Homeless people and people who need Shelter. 600-900,000 VETS on the street per Night. We also have up to 3.5 Million Homeless per year in our Country, while 18.5 Buildings and Homes are EMPTY.
VET Issues related to Homelessness

(1) VET Issues : Homelessness and Foreclosure Issues ( and Help that they need to know about and needs to be shared). Many of the Occupy Sites are focusing on Homelessness and the Foreclosure Crisis. Some of the Sites are also looking at the Questionable Tactics being used against Homeowners in the Foreclosure Process. I am bringing up an Added Interest to share with Occupy Sites that needs Closer Scrutiny, including Our Military Members Serving overseas facing Foreclosure and coming home to Lost Homes. One of the first Occupy Cleveland people I met was a Vet who had lost his home while serving Overseas. So tonight I am presenting some data on this issue, as it needs closer Examination and News Coverage.
According to the Data and Articles located the stats vary widely,but 25,000 Serving Vets lost their homes due to Foreclosure in 2010,and of that Number 5,000 while serving, meaning they came home to NO HOME. The past five years 10-25,000 lost homes per year. That means during the last 5 years of Battles being fought in 2 war zones, that anywhere from 90-120,000 Vets lost Homes during the Foreclosure Crisis.And I think it is fine that Congress should be aware and working on this situation, but I am clueless why the DOJ and Holder are not working on it. I encourage folks to write to BOTH for the sake of our Military serving and VETS, and their families. It is estimated that there are over 600,000 Vets sleeping on the streets every night. I am encouraging people to write to their County and City reps and encourage that Housing be made available to them, via Empty Buildings and Homes.
(1) Help for VETS is available at this site, National Coalition for the Homeless VETS, the stats on this site are not accurate, but there is help listed there, as well as workshops, job fairs etc.
(2) More than 8% of all Homeless are Vets, and the stats may even be higher as the VETS are not known for accessing services, from food to shelter, and PTSD also may be limiting who is getting services and care. This PDF does have some worrisome numbers though.National Homeless Org is trying to track their numbers.
(3) More from Think Progress on Homeless VETS, again more on the actual numbers and needs and what needs more focus.
I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbor. Do you know your next door neighbor?~~Mother Teresa
Organizations that are Providing Relief and Services for the Homeless:::
(1) "Way Back Inn" in King County WA is doing amazing work helping Homeless Families get back on their feet. They help with the Basics, even including bedding, hygiene and kitchen ware. They also help the families to regain their footing and the housing provided is for up to 90 days, while employment and more permanent housing is sought.
(2) Shelter for the Homeless another organization that works with Homeless Families in California. American Family Housing is another Organization that is helping families with Housing and Home needs. Their Contact Info : Call 714-897-3221 or email info@afhusa.org
Our 2nd Guest on the Show today at 2:3PM EST is Kristina English of this fine Organization, American Family Housing ( founded in 1985) sharing about their work with Homeless and how their Organization working with their County in California is working to help the Homeless and Working Poor. Their Work could be a template for other cities and towns around the country....
(3) This Website, called Don't Almost Give.Org has lists of Organizations that are helping families with Food and Shelter.
National Center on Homelessness is a fine organization that is trying to track and also work on finding solutions for Homeless. Their particular Focus is also on Children. Last year alone 1.6 Million children were homeless in the United States ( that they were able to track). ( On another note if you think you could work to help this fine organization they are hiring.
Budget Saver for the Week:: Food for the week from @SethP23 on Twitter and his Vegan Blog -Vegan ESP, has a wonderful Bean and Rice Recipe from Wed. 2/15 do check it out....
Music for this Week's Show :::
Music by MamaShine "For What It's Worth"

And the Fine new song by Sharon Bautista, a Nurse, Singer, Songwriter, who supports OccupyLA ( and a fine New Yorker too) and her song " I Sold My Guitar Today". She has a lovely voice, she reminds me of so many fine singers, her ballad quality reminds me of Janis Ian, and yet her voice reminds me of Wendy Waldman or Karla Bonoff. I am grateful she said I could play her song on this show. You can find her on Twitter at @sassysongstress.

"Way Back Inn" by James P.Morrison ( off his CD "Son to The Boy"). You can find him on Twitter at @JamesPMorrison . You may know him as a fine actor ( and yes he was on 24), but he also is a fine Musician, Artist and very insightful. You can see more at his Website and also order his CD. His website has more about his projects work and you can order his CD. I thank him, he did graciously give permission for me to play the song on the show, and I did tell him why I chose this song for this week.
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."~Mother Teresa
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